Our Worship
"Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!"
-Psams 150:6
Eccleston Church of England (Aided) Primary School is an Anglican School and the religious education we provide is in conformity with the rites, practices and doctrines of the Church of England. The daily act of collective worship is seen as an integral and vital part of our school life.
Worship is a time where we come together to share our love for God, to celebrate our achievements together and to reflect.
We believe that the Eccleston Family has an excellent grasp on the meaning of belonging to a local and global community and the sense of responsibility that comes with this - and we continually build on this by;
- Providing opportunities for children to worship God
- Celebrating all that is good and beautiful and expressing thankfulness for the joy of being alive
- providing opposrtunities for children to share what is meaningful and significant to them, including the darker side of life
- Ensuring that experiences provided are relevant tothe age and aptitude of our children
- Giving time for silent reflection and exploration of inner spave
- Providing a rich variety of forms of expression such as art, drama, music or story
- Providing a place conducive to worship
- Always inviting, never coercing
Our Collective Worship timetable is as follows, although we also encourage class and spontaneous prayer;
Mondays – Christian Value of the half term with a Take Away task to be completed over the week.
Tuesdays – Rev’d Torr, Jeanette Walker (incumbent), Bromborough Gospel or Events like Jeans for Genes
Wednesday – Picture News. Relevant, events throughout the world, reflections based on how we can respond/think/feel as Christians
Thursday – Songs of Worship
Friday – Let Your Light Shine Worship – celebrations, VIP certificates (Values in Practice) and reflecting on the Take Away from Monday