
Applying for a place in Reception

To apply for a place for your Reception aged child, please go to  Paper applications can be obtained by telephoning 0300 123 7039.  Our admissions policy is available on the Policies section of this website, under Virtual Office.

In Year Applications

If you are looking for a place in another year group, please contact the school in the first instance on 01244 506560 and ask for an appointment to look round, The school office will then provide you with further details on how to apply.

Admission Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs

Eccleston CE Primary is  inclusive and welcomes applications from all children. Please refer to our admissions policy on the virtual office section of this website for how to apply for a place.

Our Admissions Criteria

1.  Looked after children and chidlren who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship).

2.  Children with special medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can only be met at this school.

3.  Children resident in the ecclesiastical parishes of Eccleston or Pulford.

4.  Children who have a sibling in school who will still be attending school the following year (or who have attended the school in the 2 years prior to admission).

5.  Children whose parent/s or guardians are faithful and regular worshippers at Eccleston or Pulford Parish Churches.

6.  Children whose parent/s or guardian/s are faithful and regular worshippers in a church of another Christian denomination, recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

7.  Children whose parent/s or guardian/s are members ond regular worshippers of another faith and wish their children to be edcuated in a Church School,

8.  Children who live nearest to school measured in a straight line from the centrally plotted Basic Land and Property Unit Point (BLPU) of the childs home address to the centrally plotted BLPU point of the school as defined by Local Land and Property Gazateer (LLPG0>

It may happen that there are not enough places to admit all applicants meeting any one criterion.  In this case, the governors will apply the subsequent criteria.  To view this criteria, please contact either Cheshire West and Chester Admissions team or the school direct.


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Eccleston Cof E Primary School, Eaton Road, Eccleston, Chester, Cheshire CH4 9HD